Thursday, February 2, 2012

Groundhog day


February second is known as Embolic also as Groundhog Day (when if the gopher sees his shadow winter continues).

Snow is on the ground and it seems as if winter will not end.  However, with the arrival of Embolic comes the hope of Spring.   It is a time to call upon the universe to warm and heal us.  It is a time to be inspired. 

There are healing herbs for our mind, body and spirit to get us through.  Think of the warmth of cinnamon in the air, the healing of evergreen or eucalyptus.  The uplifting aroma of citrus brightens the spirit.  This can be used in teas or a small amount sprinkled on a candle to release the aroma.  And of course, let’s not forget the concept of cooking.

We need to remind ourselves to use our power and the gift of the elements to balance, ground, and rejuvenate ourselves.   Use the color turquoise for healing and poetry to fan the flame of inspiration.

In Ireland and Scotland, the women make dolls from corn husks and carry them from home to home.  Her name is Bridget and she is decorated with flowers, shells, stones and ribbons.  Elements of the earth to be honored and cherished.   The children chant Bridget is coming, Bridget is coming.

Perhaps you could make a similar item at home and light a fire or candle to honor her and the earth.

Work on leaving the winter behind and prepare for a bright, new spring.   After all, Spring is coming and with it new growth and a new freshness.  Embrace it.

Bright Blessings to you



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